Sewol Ferry‘s Salvage Work has been Achieved대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 00:55:13


   Sewol ferry has been floundered for 1,073 days and finally floated. By accident, "Sewol ribbon" cloud was found in Wonju, Gangwon-do, at March 22th, 2017 at 6:38 P.m.
     "Sewol ribbon" cloud was found in Wonju, Gangwon-do. The shape of the cloud was like a ribbon, and looked like yellow in color. Some people doubt the legitimacy of its picture, but photographers, and experts said that it was real. Also, some people said this " Sewol ribbon" cloud was the victims' message from the sky. Moreover, celebrities posted about Sewol ferry's successful salvage.
     Sewol Ferry sank on April, 16th, 2014. In the Sewol ferry, there were students from Danwon highschool that were going to go to a school trip, and there were many tourists, too. Suddenly, the Sewol ferry crushed and started to subside. Its employees asked for help, but it did not work well. So, many of them were dead or missing. The family of the deceased wanted to know how the Sewol ferry crushed and why the rescue operations was so late, but they still do not know the reason. They have been working hard for three years, and finally the salvage work is done.
     Sewol ferry arrived at Mokpo Port on March 25th. The salvage of Sewol ferry is a longtime hope of the family of the deceased, and it takes 1073 days to arrive at Mokpo port. Also, the Ministry of Maritime Affair and Fisheries will start the underwater searching tomorrow. They will start advanced work to fine the nine missing person, four students from Danwon Highschool, two teachers and the rest were tourists. Also, they will start the underwater searching to enter in the fourth floor, A deck where four students and two teachers were located.
     Sewol ferry has arrived successfully in Mokpo port, and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is trying hard to find victims' remains.


                                                                                      April 15th, 2017,  by Han So Eun


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