Protecting the Culture대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-26 14:18:38

In winter, people in South Korea usually find hot street foods such as hotteok, bungeo-bbang, and fishcake, and they usually go to restaurants more than making food. However, kimchi is different from other foods. It is usually made in winter because kimchi is made by the ripening process. During the ripening process, winter is more suitable than other seasons.

Many people around the world love to eat kimchi, and they think this food is a healthy vegetable when they visit South Korea. Also, for South Koreans, on their dining table, kimchi is always with other food. Then, when they go to other countries, they bring kimchi with them because of oily. What foods in other countries is kimchi? There are many kinds of vegetables in South Korea such as Chinese cabbage, white radish, green onion, and perilla leaf. So, kimchi has many ingredients. For these reasons, people can enjoy different tastes, and they are not heartily tired of eating kimchi. After making kimchi for winter, they can cook many kinds if foods with it. For example, when they use flour, they can make kimchi pancake, and they can also cook kimchi stew.

▲ the picture of kimchi

How to make kimchi in winter? Kimchi is a fermented food with salted seafood and salt, and its condiment is made with dried red pepper powder and many others. When we start making kimchi, we spend about three days for preparation. Because kimchi's Chinese cabbage is salted for a day, and its paste has about 20 kinds of vegetables. When Chinese cabbages are salted, we have to wash them to remove salt, and then, we mix them with and put them in a kimchi box. After three months, we can enjoy kimchi for a year. When we make kimchi, we spend a long time, money, and strength, so nowadays, people usually buy kimchi.

▲ the picture of kimchi for winter

Kimchi is the most famous Korean traditional food. However, people usually buy kimchi in supermarkets rather than make it with family. If more people buy kimchi, the tradition will vanish. So, we have to maintain our culture and tradition.

▲ the picture of supermarket`s kimchi

Dec. 21. 2019

By Sebin Hwang


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