Winter Festivals of South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-26 14:36:26

It is already the end of the year, December, and many people want to enjoy this period and have a good time with their loved ones. So, they prefer to go to winter festivals with their friends, family, and lover. There are a lot of winter festivals all over the country. Winter is the coldest season, but there are many activities to do with snow and ice. That is why there are various ice and snow festivals. Because Christmas is fast coming, there is a various light festival that is being held. Also, it will soon be New Year, and on the first day of the year, many people will surely go to see the sunrise. Thus, there are sunrise festivals, as well.

To begin with, Ice Fishing Festival is held in Sumi Village of Yangpyeong in Gyeonggi-do. It starts on the sixth day of December, and people can enjoy ice fishing, traditional Korean winter activities such as kite flying, top-spinning game, and sledding. Also, after ices smelt fishing, people can eat sliced raw smelt and fried smelt. This festival can participate through an advance reservation on their website. Next, Daegwallyeong Snow Festival starts on the tenth day of January and held in Daegwallyeong, so-called Alps of Asia for ten days. This festival is the first winter festival of South Korea and has held for 27 years. People can play with snow and ice sculptures at this festival.

▲ ad poster of Yangpyeong ice smelt fishing festival

In addition, Busan Christmas Tree Festival starts on the 16th day of November. In this festival, people can see six hundred thousand light bulbs, 18 meters Christmas tree, and beautiful hanging structures around the place. There are also various photo zones and many performances. In the second place, Ganjeolgot Sunrise Festival is held for ten days. Ganjeolgot is the most famous spot to see the sunrise because people can see the beautiful sunrise in there. Every New Year, there are more than 100,000 people participate in the said festivals every year. Moreover, when the red sun rises over the horizon of Gaya Temple, man people will scream while someone will hold hands to make New Year's wishes.

▲ picture of Busan Christmas tree festival

There are many seasonal Korean festivals, especially winter festivals in South Korea. These winter festivals can invigorate the tourism industry and make many foreigners around the world to come to South Korea.

December 14th, 2019, by Go Seohyun


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