Having a Warm Winter with Street Food대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-26 14:38:09

The winter season is coming and most of the people begin to prepare many things such as clothes and heaters to prevent themselves from suffering coldness due to cold weather. Because of the cold weather, the popularity of winter street food is also growing up. We can eat many kinds of them at cheap prices. Eating some warm foods while walking on the street can make you feel and you happy in winter.

First of all, hotteok is famous winter food. It is a sugar-filled griddlecake, and it is a mouth-watering food only when we see it. When we bite it, it fills the mouth with sweetness.

▲ This is a sweet foood, hotteok.

The next food is bungeoppang. Like the name of it, it is shaped like Bungeo which is a fish in Korea. It is filled with sweet red beans or custard cream. It is usually sold in groups of three or four.

▲ It really looks like a fish.

The third food is roasted chestnuts. In Korea, it is called gunbam. It is helpful for our body. Especially, it is good for growing children. Also, we can make it in the house.

▲ This is helpful for our body, and tastes also good.

The last food is hoppang. It is a steamed bun and filled with many kinds of ingredients such as red beans, vegetables, or pizza. As time goes, the kinds of fillings became various.

▲ The tastes of them are so various that we can choose many kinds of them.

There are a lot of winter street foods, and these foods make us warm in winter. Eating some foods while walking on the street is killing two birds with one stone. Winter street food will make us have a warm winter.

December 15th, 2019

By Yu Dong-hoon


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