The Free Semester System in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-26 14:56:05

The ministry of education will initiate a free semester system for middle school students to provide them with chances to experience a wide range of learning activities. The free semester system is a system that applied the educational system, targeting first grade in middle school. Moreover, students do not need to take an examination to find their potential and future dreams.

▲ This is a picture of the Ministry of Education promoting the free semester system.

The free semester system has a lot of advantages. To start with, students do lots of activities in their school such as basketball, choir, play, making newspapers and books and drawing. Also, students can do job shadowing in some job shadowing centers. Due to do these activities, students are free from school examinations and decrease their academics. Moreover, works activities can help students to find their future dreams.

On the other hand, the free semester system has disadvantages. First, students cannot concentrate on their classes. Because students will think about what activities they are going to do, so they cannot concentrate on their classes. Also, parents will be worried that students do not take examinations in school. Actually, some parents and teachers spoke highly oat the government aims to achieve with the new program, but many expressed concern about whether it will lead students to resort to more private educational institutions and put heavier burdens on teachers in guiding students in a customized class. Moreover, the Korea Federation of Teacher's Associations said that they have concerns about the decline in the scholastic ability among students.

▲ This picture shows the satisfaction of the free semester system.

To conclude, the free semester system is an educational system to find a student's potential and future dreams. Then, it has many advantages but it has also disadvantages. Moreover, it is shown that the government should resolve the free semester system's disadvantages.

December 22nd, 2019

by Han Yun Seo


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