The Most Popular Movie This Week대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-12-30 11:38:58

Today, when people have leisure time, they usually watch movies or play outside. However, as the weather is getting colder and colder, people are looking for the method of playing inside. So, the popularity of movies goes up. This week's popular movies are "Frozen 2", "Jumanji The Next Level", " Ford v Ferrari", "Knives Out", " A Little Princess ", and more. These days, the most popular movie is " Frozen 2 ."

The movie " Frozen 2", was released in every theater in South Korea after " Frozen 1 ". As soon as it was released the ticketing rate went high very rapidly. According to the Korea Film Council's integrated network of movie tickets, 395,743 people watched in one day. Also, it was released simultaneously, and it became a box office hit.

▲ The main poster of Frozen 2

"Frozen 2" was released on November 21, 2019, in South Korea. At the same time of release, the movie was screening in 1,616 cinemas in South Korea. However, it had the best ticketing rate in the first place, even up to now. Until now, in South Korea taking a look at cinemas, audiences who watched "Frozen 2," there are already ten million people watched. After the movie was released, the news was broadcast about making Frozen 2 movie. The Frozen 2's production crew said that in making 2.5 seconds scene, they needed 130 hours. That is why Frozen 2 was released after six years when the release of Frozen 1 ended.

▲ The production process of Frozen 2

The popularity goes high, so the sing-along theater was open. Because of this popularity, children who watched the movie "Frozen 2" want to wear the costumes of Frozen 2's main characters, Elsa and Anna. So, they pester their parents to wear Elsa and Anna's dress or long padding. In this momentum in South Korea, "Frozen 2" does not seem to lose popularity. Now, all of the Korean people want to watch Frozen 3 quickly.

▲ The record of audience who watched this movie

December 27th, 2019

by Yang Chae-yoon


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