2019 Career education festival in Sejong city대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-08 11:55:57

December 18th, 2019, South Korea ministry of education held the 2019 Career Education festival in government Sejong city convention center, which marks its fourth year in 2019. Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training was with for the event. It is about future career education and there were various programs connected with future innovation jobs. For example, AI (artificial intelligence) or Convergence Technology.

▲Students listen about the biomedical

Especially, the event has taken the direction of preparing for the upcoming fourth industrial revolution for students, parents, and teachers through the career experience booths, concerts, and sharing performance in career education. The event was largely divided into four parts of career capacity development, sympathy, performance sharing, and cooperation. The 'career capabilities development program' operated 57 career experience booths where students could develop their career skills by participating in activities leading to self-understanding, career experience, and career counseling, and provided contents related to the fourth industrial revolution, such as artificial intelligence, coding, manufacturer education, and future bio-industry. It is for students could experience future careers that will change rapidly. In sympathy programs, students and parents could participate the talk concert with career education experts. They could get provided practical help for their children’s career education. The 'sharing result about the career programs' had sharing career education, schools and teachers' research societies for elementary, middle and high schools, awards from research presentation contests, development results from municipal and provincial education offices and related institutions, and content status surveys were displayed and announced at the performance sharing yard. The cooperation program discussed ways how to develop future projects through a forum on revitalizing the career experience through the establishment of a cooperative system in the community while sharing business performance among participating institutions of the career experience program. As an example, the best case of the career experience program was announced in schools of Yeongwol county, Gangwon-do Province, and Gongju city, in cooperation with schools and career experience support centers.

Seo Yu-mi, who is vice-minister South Korea ministry of education which hosted the 2019 career education yard, said, "The event was a meaningful opportunity to identify the future direction of the education in preparation for a future society amid communication and exchanges among students, parents, teachers, and career education officials." South Korea's ministry of education will continue to push for the students' career development capabilities together by strengthening cooperation among related government agencies.

January 2nd, 2020

by Nayoon Kim


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