The Changing Policy of the Ministry of Education in 2020대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-13 15:28:53

According to the Ministry of Education, there will be a lot of changes for the students in kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, and even in the university in 2020. For the kindergarten and elementary school students, an all-day caring system and elementary daycare programs were pronounced. Prohibiting task type of performance assessment, fostering the foundation of introducing the high school credit system, free education and more will be performed starting from 2020.

▲ According to the Ministry of Education, there will be a lot of changes from 2020.

Free education, first of all, will be implemented. Entrance fees, school tuition, school operating expenses, and textbook fees will be free. In the second semester of 2019, only the third grade students were exempted from paying fees for their school. In 2020, however, second grade and third grade high school students will be exempted from paying fees. Moreover, in 2021, students in every grade including first grade, second grade, and third grade will no longer have to pay fees for high school.

▲ High school students can get free education stage by stage from 2019.

Second, the Ministry of Education fosters the foundation of introducing the high school credit system, planning overall execution in 2025. Many people may wonder what is the high school credit system because this policy can be unfamiliar to them. The high school credit system is the system in which students can choose and complete their subjects according to their course. When the accrued credit has arrived at the criteria, they are recognized for their graduation. This system minimizes the required subjects, such as Korean, mathematics, and English. As the students can choose their subjects based on their interest and aptitude, they can increase their efficiency of study, and they can participate in the class spontaneously. Also, unlike today's evaluation system of relative evaluation, the absolute evaluation will be implemented when introducing the high school credit system.

▲ High school credit system is going to be introduced, planning overall execution in 2025.

There will be a lot of changes as time goes by. Moreover, there will also be a lot of changes for the students. Though there are a lot of changes for the students, these policies should be implemented for them.

January 11th, 2020

by Lee Dowon


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