Beomseo Middle School‘s Free-semester Event대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-13 15:32:40
  • 수정 2020-01-13 15:33:45

In South Korea's middle school, there is a free-semester system in which students do a lot of experiences about their future. In Beomseo Middle School, students can have job shadowing during the free-semester period. They can choose three jobs that they want, and there are more than 50 jobs that they can choose from.

▲ This is the picture of job shadowing.

In job shadowing, there are 50 jobs such as baker, chef, magician, and computer programmer. Most of the students liked the idea that they can choose jobs by themselves. The school's vice-commissioner said that the advantage of job shadowing is that students can learn about the job they choose in an enjoyable way and they can learn about their chosen job before they apply for this in the future. Also, it helps students to choose the jobs that fit them. They can meet workers and listen to stories about their difficulties and merits in their jobs. However, students said that there is a shortcoming of the job shadowing. Students choose a job by order of arrival, so some students were not able to choose what they want and lose interest in job shadowing.

Saeyoon Jung, Beomseo Middle School's first grade student, who experienced chef in the job shadowing, said that job shadowing was good. He was able to experience how it is to be a chef and know detailed parts about being a chef like how to be a chef and the job's difficulty and merit. He said job shadowing was a good experience as this program helped him to choose his future job. He also said that the workers were so kind and funny.

Most of the students of Beomseo Middle School liked the job shadowing, but some of the students complained about the system of choosing their jobs. They said that choosing a job by order of arrival should be abolished. However, they are all satisfied with the quality and quantity of job shadowing.

▲ This is the picture that students doing 3D printing.


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