E-World Starlight Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-13 15:39:51

As the weather becomes colder, and the nights become longer, there are more places that open a light festival. E-Wold in Daegu also holds a light festival. The "7th E-World Starlight Festival Ten Million Flower Light Garden" is opened.

▲ The poster of the starlight festival

The festival is held from November 16, 2019, to March 1, 2020, in E-world in Daegu. The adult's fee is 42000 won, the teenager's fee is 37000 won, and the children's fee is 32000 won for the season pass.

The main theme of this starlight festival is the ten million flower light garden which shows the romantic appearance of flowers and starlight. There are three starlight flower gardens, The Starlight Rose Garden: Dynamic Square, Starlight Hydrangea Garden: Adventure Square, and Starlight Lily Garden: Romantic Hill. Moreover, there are 250 meters of light road, the Angel Road and Giant Angel B.B, which is the mascot characters of E-World. Moreover, at the entrance, there is a giant Christmas tree, and the lights are turned on at night. At 83 Tower, we can see Daegu's night scene and three thousand square meters of starlight garden which can be the best photo zone.

▲ The appearance of e-wold

In this festival, there are two main events. The first one is the Nationwide Earliest Christmas which is held on November 2nd. Then, there is Santa Parade, where Santa gives gifts and has a picture time. Moreover, people make a wish balloon. This event includes the ceremony of lighting on the Christmas tree. The second event is the Starlight Festival Grand Open. The grand opening of this festival is on November 16th.

An official of E-Wold said that the E-World Starlight Festival is a seasonal representative festival that should not be missed with the best flower garden in the country. In particular, this year, they will be giving their customers more beautiful memories, along with new attractions and the fastest Christmas festival. People can enjoy the romantic, beautiful and colorful appearance of the starlight.


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