Drawing Folk Painting Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-13 15:43:37

Munsu Middle School finished the project of drawing folk painting. It started in the first semester of the art class. It helped students realize folk painting and enhance the students' ability of art. Also, they experienced people who lived in the past.

▲ The types of folk painting about tiger.

In the folk painting project, students drew pictures for utility. Also, folk painting is conventional and waggish. The types of pictures were tiger, bird, flower, grass, insects, and nature. The third class in the first grade students could choose one among the types of folk painting and draw about it. In detail, it was a personal project. First, they had to make an outline. Then, they drew a line by pen. Finally, they painted a picture. They shared their pictures and evaluated them. Students gave praise to each other, so they could develop their relationship and their friendship. The result was good. All of the students got grades A or B. The project was successful. Students could enhance their ability of art. Also, they could learn about patience by participating in this project.

▲ The types of folk painting about flowers.

Kim Ji Min, one of the students in Munsu Middle School, said, that it was hard to draw folk painting. It was his first experience with drawing it. However, because of that he improved his ability of art and learned about patience. Also, he could feel the feeling of people who lived in the past. It felt like he was a person of the past. He added that folk painting was a good project to learn about many things.

The project of drawing folk painting is the best way to learn about folk painting. Munsu Middle School required this project to make students feel our ancestor's feelings. Through it, students could learn many things by being the people who lived in the past.


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