\"The Monstrous Feminine\" Opened an Exhibition named \"Spread Her Seeds\"대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-17 18:05:55

▲ Poster of the exhibiton ˝Spread Her Seeds˝

▲ Outdoor advertisment (image from 여성, 괴물 The Monstrous Feminine twitter : @monstrousfem)

"Spread Her Seeds", which is an exhibition that is against the limits with women's body is being held in Gongan Illi, for 20 days. It is from Jan. 3rd to Jan. 22nd. This exhibition is hosted by "The Monstrous Feminine" and sponsored by Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture.

▲ Curator Ah Jang-hyeok (image from his twitter : @azangman)

Six artists, curator Ah Jang-hyeok and an archive team from "The Monstrous Feminine" participated in this project. This exhibition is open every day except on weekends, and Mondays, and it is open from 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. There are also additional events while this exhibition is on display. Last Saturday, there was an opening party with curator Ah Jang-hyeok's performance. On Jan. 10th, there will be a talk show that will discuss "Spreading Her Seeds", and on Jan. 18th, there will be a performance of Heukpyoubeom. Also, on Jan. 21th, there will be criticism by Ruin, Korean transgender scholars and "The Monstrous Feminine" as a roundup of this exhibition.

The organizers of "Spread Her Seeds" said that they want to make people pay attention to the link between natural and standards, and the touchpoint between oneself and the world through this exhibition. They assume the human body with gender, especially women as a composition of social aspects, and they are trying to break this kind of awareness. They also want to make confusion on producing by their exhibitions that are gendered images.

The fact that this exhibition handles a susceptible subject makes many people to have preconceptions before visit it. However, the artists who joined this exhibition are all feminists, and this exhibition was designed for the freedom of genderism that makes the reason why we have to pay attention to this kind of exhibition. This exhibition is a little aggressive and a little crooked. However, it should not be the reason why we have to avoid it.

Jan. 12th, 2020.

By Lee Hyun-seo


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