The Best Spots to Watch the Sunrise at the Beginning of a Year대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-17 18:08:19

When a new year starts, many people go to various places to see the sunrise. Making wishes while watching the sunrise is a special event for Koreans. There are some best spots in South Korea to watch the sunrise.

First of all, Haneul Park is famous for being a good place to watch the sunrise. It is an ecological park located in Mapo-gu, Northwestern Seoul. Twenty years ago, it was a landfill, but people changed it to celebrate the 2002 World Cup held in South Korea. When you watch the sunup in this place, it will remain an unforgettable memory.

▲ It is beautiful to watch the sunrise at the Haneul Park.

The next place is Seonyu-do. It is located in the west of Yeoui-do, and it is full of water gardens. There is an arch-shaped bridge called Seonyu Bridge, which overlooks the river, and National Assembly building next to this place. You can have some interesting experiences there.

▲ Seonyu-do is the place where a lot of tourists visit every year.

The last attraction is Seongsan Ilchulbong in Jeju island. A lot of people go there to watch the beautiful sunrise every year. The peak which erupted underwater about 5000 years ago was registered as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. Seongsan Ilchulbong gives visitors an amazing scenery.

▲ It gives visitors amazing scenery.

There are a lot of sunrise attractions in South Korea including Haneul Park, Seonyu-do, and Seongsan Ilchulbong. Let us make some wishes there while watching the sunrise and have a happy New Year.

January 5th, 2020
Yu Dong-hoon


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