Korean Semiconductor Industry 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-22 12:57:11

▲ It is the picture of the memory semiconductor.

Do you know how do Korean semiconductor companies became the first place of memory semiconductor? They had many hardships to make it as today. When Samsung tried to make semiconductors, everybody said that it is a reckless challenge to make it. However, Samsung makes 64K DRAM for six months later when they announced to make it. The good start of the Korean semiconductor industry was in 1983 by Samsung. It was innovative at that time.

▲ Share of DRAM market

Moreover, according to the Korean Economic Newspaper, 74.5 percent of the DRAM market share is from Korean semiconductor companies. However, Korean semiconductor companies. However, Korean semiconductor companies grew up surprisingly, and they have to try to be in a good position in a non-memory semiconductor market. Samsung announced on 24th April 2019 that they will be in the first place of non-memory semiconductor by 2030.

Recently, because of the diplomatic problem between Japan and South Korea, Korean semiconductor companies made semiconductor without a material which is imported from Japan. Actually, a few months ago, Korean semiconductor companies used to make semiconductor with the material which is imported from Japan. Lots of semiconductor experts were amazed at this news. Today, the Korean semiconductor industry is leaping for the next level of the semiconductor industry like the non-memory semiconductor industry. Also, lots of semiconductor experts expect non-memory semiconductor lead industry 4.0.

In conclusion, lots of semiconductor experts look forward to the future of the semiconductor industry.


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