\"Yeondon\" Is Open in Jeju Island대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-01-22 13:02:13

Many video platforms became popular such as YouTube, Africa TV, and Twitch. Especially, an eating show has become their main content. A typical restaurant that has seen this effect is "Yeondon".

▲ the screen from ˝The Alley Restaurant.˝

"Yeondon" was introduced into "Baek Jong-won's Ally Restaurant". It is a program that shows and improves the attention to alienated restaurants. Actually, Baek Jong-won helps to choose their store's main menu and get a spotlight. Also, the store's owner showed an earnest attitude and manner in the TV show. Beak Jong-won is a highly praised restaurant and is visited steadily because of the high quality of its pork cutlet. "Yeondon" has become a must-visit restaurant, and it is known as a reliable restaurant.

▲ Yondon`s main menu, cheese pork cutlet

After the broadcast, there were many visitors from "Yeondon" located in Seoul. Also, many people visited and gave their comments. Most of the comments were positive. They complimented the lower price of the dishes and the high quality of pork culet's freshness. However, people that were running their businesses in a market were damaged by the people that lined up and made a noise from the early morning.

▲ ˝Yeondon˝ moving to Jeju

Eventually, they moved to Jeju Island. They brought the same menu: pork cutlet, cheese pork cutlet, and curry. Some people said the price of pork cutlets was not satisfactory due to the rise in the price of pork cutlets. However, the company wanted to use black pork to improve the quality of pork cutlets and the owner wanted to improve the taste quality.

The unique thing about the store is a request. It is said that they banned a BJ or a YouTuber's self videos shot because their portrait rights are hard to save, and they decided that the video is commercial exploitation. Despite the length of time that had passed, many people still want to eat their pork cutlet. Many hope for a good culture wherein that I want.

January 4th, 2020

by 제서연


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