Age at First Marriage and the number of Marriages대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 19:18:03

Nowdays, the low birthrate and aging population are getting serious. Because the age

 of marriage is getting late.  The chart shows an overall dwnward trend in the number

 of marriags between 1990 and 2010. In the past, there was a notion that we should get

married before we get too old. These days, however, many people consider marriage not

 compulsory and prefer to live alone rather than to be forced to get married. In addition,

 the youth unemployment issue is getting so serious that young people cannot find enough

 decent jobs.

On top of that, wedding costs are getting higher. As a result, it has become more

 and more difficult for young generations to tie the knot and the average age at first marriage

 has increased accordingly.  As shown in this chart, women and men got married in their mid-20s and late-20s respectively in 1990. The ages were pushed back to late-20s and early-30s respectively in 2010, which leads to declining birth rates.


Korea's birth rate is one of the lowest levels among OECD countries. If the current trend continues, Korea's rapid

 population aging will also get worse.  To solve these problems, the government plans to

 establish a wedding subsidy system, providin

g education costs should be provided to relieve

the financial burden. In conclusion, the decreasing number of marriages and the first

 marriage age increase will cause various social problems in Korea.


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