Dream Presentation Event in Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-02-05 13:32:52

Do you want to know your future dream? Dream presentation event is unfamiliar to almost all people but it is a good chance to find and know your dream. The event that was being held in Ukok Middle School was different because only some schools practice this event, and all the student joins this event. All classes in school stop their lesson and concentrate on this event. Moreover, 800 students participate in the dream presentation event which is held in the school stadium.

▲ My dream presentation contest in Ukok Middle School

Seo Jihoon, the student president in school, said that he wants to find his dream, for it was a good time for him. He also expressed that it was a good opportunity to find his dream and know about his dream. To present in front of a lot of people is an honor for him. Lastly, the school informed that the event has prize money, so he wanted to win the event. He also said that he cannot wait.

Dream presentation has a hard and complex process. The school should stop all the classes to hold the event and decorate the school stadium. Also, students should spend their time to write their dream of writing. After that, the teachers choose the best works, and the school does an auction to earn a lot of money. The school practices this event annually, and the office of education gives the money.

Through this event, the school gives a lot of positive impacts on the students. They give them a chance, and the students can discover their future dream. However, some people say that the school should stop the dream presentation event because it uses a lot of money and wastes students' time. Also, a failure in the lesson can interrupt students' study, but many students feel good, and the school gets a support fund. So, the school should continue this event.

▲ 2016 Youth Dream presentation

In conclusion, the school should continue the dream presentation event to give a good chance to students, Seo Jihoon said to the school president to continue this event every year. He also believes this event is a good experience. What do you think about this event?


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