The Best Jobs in the Future대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-02-13 10:54:03

Recently, the most popular physicist, philosopher, and astronomer, who is Stephen Hawking, passed away. He said, that the astronomer's importance must stay out longer with the humanity would disappear. It means that the astronomers give many development in many ways. Also, the astronomy is all of the subjects' basics. Moreover, today's most recent issue of subject is the astronomy. It is because it is said that the future will be developed for the astronomers.

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 The astronomer has the same name of astrophysicist. Historically, astronomy has focused primarily on classifying and describing the phenomena occurring in space, while astrophysics has focused on explaining and understanding these phenomena using laws of physics. Astronomers are scientists who study celestial bodies such as planets, stars, galaxies, and other astronomical phenomena . Furthermore, various observation equipment are used to analyze the observed data and generate statistics. In fact, the astronomers are still studying the space today. For example, the most famous issue is the Mars exploration in 2020 like to movie "Martian", and discover about black hole. Also, they are researching about the shooting stars.

Like the preceding, Stephen Hawking expected and knew about the astronomer's future, and it can change humanity's future. He said, that efforts to explore other solar systems were important, and leaving the earth was the only way to save humanity. This is a part of the speech he delivered at the 2016 Stamus Festival. Hawking always expressed concern about the earth's destruction because of 

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resource depletion, environmental pollution, and climate change. He insisted that humans must go beyond the planet and to other planets to survive. He also predicted that if space exploration was successful, young people would be interested in space science. He waited for the day to reach new space exploration goals such as the moon landing. Also, the biggest astrophysicist who is the genius of science in the world is Albert Einstein. He said that the world would be changed by the astrophysicist. He also thought that astronomers could change humanity's future.

 The space is the place that is very large for us to discover and create many things. Also, astronomy has the highest developing possibility in the future. It talks to us about the most important subject in the future. So, we have to be concerned about the astronomers and space for the future.


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