Additional Delay of Starting the School Term of Schools in Daegu, South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-03-11 16:12:29

The start of school term in 800 kindergarten, elementary, middle and high schools and special schools in the city of Daegu has been further postponed until March 23.

▲ COVID-19

The Daegu's Education Office said that it will put off the start of schools in Daegu for another two weeks. The targets include 341 kindergartens and 459 elementary, middle, and high schools and special schools. Previously, the Daegu's Education Office postponed the start of the school term of schools for one week for the first time in the country as COVID-19 rapidly spreads around the Daegu area. The total number of closed days due to the postponement of the school term is 15 days, and the legal number of school days will be secured by adjusting the number of vacation days.

The Daegu's Education Office said that kindergarten and elementary schools are closed due to the postponement of school opening, but since the situation is urgent, they will receive additional applications for taking care of students. They will also provide support for students' studies at each school and countermeasures of life guidance to ensure that there is no gap in students' learning during the closing period.

▲ Guidelines for Preventing COVID-19

Meanwhile, because of the soaring number of patients of COVID-19, so for preventing COVID-19, here are some important guidelines. First, wear a mask when you are outside. Do not touch the exterior of your mask. Second, wash your hands often. Third, please cover your face with your sleeve when coughing or sneezing. Plus, if you have doubts about COVID-19, call 1339.

March 8th, 2020

by Kim Hyeon


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