Having a New School Year with Online Classes대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-04-17 17:17:33

Many countries are now suffering a lot from COVID-19 including South Korea. South Korea said that it will begin a new school year with online classes on April 9th as the postponement of the school opening. The new school year of South Korea usually starts in March. However, the country decided this for future education because of delaying the start at the school many times.

▲ A new school year will begin with online education.

Education Minister Yoo Eun-hae said in the interview that to prepare for future education, it is necessary to boldly push for remote classes right now. Online classes will start on April 9th. Middle school and high school students in their third grade will start first. On the other hand, first and second grades at middle and high schools, and fourth to sixth grades at elementary school will begin on April 16th. In the case of kindergarten, there is an indefinite delay.

▲ Many schools are preparing for the online classes.

With the beginning of online classes, a lot of schools are testing for online classes. However, there are also some problems. First of all, there are many students who do not have electronic devices. The number of students having no smart devices reached around 170,000 as of Monday, March 30th. Next, students can lose their self-directed learning skills. They may not concentrate on their classes because teachers cannot check the students directly. There is also a problem with the teachers. There are many teachers who lack communication equipment. The government said that they would solve these problems, but there are some difficulties in solving them.

As the COVID-19 got serious, the country was forced to take online classes. By deciding online classes, students now need to be interested in them. With the concentration and efforts of students, online classes will have good results enough.

April 4th, 2020
by Yu Dong-hoon


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