The Explanation of an Expert of Block Chain대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-11 18:28:11

These days, information is treated like gold by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The technology, which uses information and makes our life comfortable is called a blockchain. Blockchain technology is a growing list of records called blocks. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block. It is safe and is devised in a way that no one can revise it.

▲ This image form garden 65`s blog shows that various ways to use block chain in our life.

Because of the advantages of blockchain, many things have been come up. Bitcoin is the best example. It uses blockchain technology to protect money and make it safe. Because of the wide use of blockchain, experts in it get a lot of money, and it is becoming a promising job.

According to the Job information company, Hired, the average salary of experts of blockchain is 15 million dollars to 17 million and five thousand dollars. Also, this salary is comparable to that of the experts of AI. However, Hired said blockchain recruitment announcements have increased by 400percent since the end of 2018. In addition, Hired's CEO explained that the demand for blockchain developers is enormous, while the wages are high due to the short supply of technicians in the blockchain.

Moreover, according to B CHAIN, the National IT Industry Promotion Agency(NIPA) uses a recent system chain industry status and foreign policy report. As of 2019, our blockchain market size is about 846 places. The domestic market size has increased to 1366 in 2020, 2206 in 2021, and can reach to about 3562 billion in 2022. More IT market analysts the consulting agency, IDC, also anticipated it to be published in March. The growth rate of Korea's blockchain market can be even compared to that of the world market.

In conclusion, experts in blockchain are required to have high knowledge about it. This job can make one earn lots of money, and it is a promising job. However, due to enormous demand, most of the experts in its work a lot.


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