A Famous Event in Ulsan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-11 18:31:33

▲ The pictures of pottery in Ulsan Pottery Village.

The pottery event in Ulsan is the most famous event in the world. Many people join the pottery event because they can see many types of pottery and experience various events about pottery. It is held every year. Also, it is held in a very short time, so many people should enjoy the event as quickly as they could.

To start with, the pottery event begins on May first and ends on May fifth. It helps in Ulsan. Ulsan's Pottery Village exerts efforts to develop life support pottery. Also, they work about the culture industry. There are many types of pottery in the village. The people who come can touch the pottery. Also, they can make one, and the pottery master will bake the pottery for them. Also, there are many photograph zones in the pottery village. It is the biggest pottery in the world, so people can take pictures with it. It is also registered in the Guinness Book of Records. Also, there are competitions for making pottery. So, people can enjoy the competitions because there are some rewards. People can see many types of pottery in the display.

▲ The pictures of pottery event in Ulsan Pottery Village.

Lee Ji Hoo, who visited the 2019 pottery event, said that many people can enjoy many types of pottery, and the biggest pottery is amazing because it is bigger than him and taller than him. Also, he did not know many types of pottery. So, he was amazed upon seeing them and after visiting, he was able to know many useful types of pottery. Moreover, he was very grateful to take pictures because there are a lot of photograph zones. If he had another chance, he wanted to go there again next time.

The biggest pottery event in Ulsan is in a short period, so you should go there as fast as you could. It is good to have time with friends or families in a pottery village.


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