A New Beginning For Online Classes대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-27 13:13:47

The Need for Online Class

These days COVID-19 is spreading, making students' start of school, difficult. Because of this situation, the Ministry of Education, teachers, and students are worried. Thus, the Ministry of Education took action to restart schools. They decided to start school online to replace in-person classes. First, online class start for middle school grade three and high grade three on April 9th. Nearly all other students started on April 16th or 20th.

There are many types of online classes. The first is real-time interactive class. The second is content-utilization class. The third is task-based class. Teachers choose one of these three class types, or a mix of types two and three. There are many devices that can connect students to their online class. Such devices are desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. Therefore, one can choose from any of the devices and attend online classes easily.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

The first advantage of online class is maximum autonomy. As you know, we can use the internet any where and at anytime. Thus, time and place are not so important for online class. Also, because smartphones are small and light, you can study anywhere you want, whether you are on the move, or even eating. Also, you can regulate how to spend your study time. If you are a schedule-oriented person, you may find yourself suited for online for online classes.

On the other hand, online classes have several disadvantages. First, there is a lack of compulsory communication. As autonomy increases, the compulsory participation in class decreases. When you are tired or a little sick, you may find online classes intolerable. Because people who are not well scheduled find difficulty performing well in their online classes, they may not progress well.

Despite these advantages and disadvantages, online classes as a whole are doing well. At first, there were simultaneous users who could not load the page or log in, but as time went by, these problems were remedied.

Last Thoughts On Online Classes

These online classes now seem to be the best option for the new COVID-19 era. Classes are supposed to be held together, but it's not possible at this time. Nevertheless, if you use a computer or a smartphone to listen intently in class, it will be better than no class at all.


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