A Car Trip to the Islands대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-12 13:17:27

Spring is the best time to go on a trip with the family, but many people cannot go outside because of the worries about COVID-19. A lot of families regret about not going outside. However, there are some islands in which we can go easily only by a car with social distancing and without any worries.

The first place is the Yeongheung Island in Incheon. Many people visit this place every year. There are two bathing places with free camping facilities, so it is so popular for campers. Also, an outdoor experience like theme parks makes children happy and excited. The view of there is so impressive that a lot of people come to see it. You can see Incheon International Airport with the airplanes flying, and you can also see the Incheon bridge.

▲ The view from the Yeongheung Islands is so amazing that many visitors come to this islands.

The next place is the Gogusan Islands located in Gunsan. The driving course in this place is exciting. You can see that large and small islands that appear and disappear with a pulse. Arriving there, you can experience a zip line, which makes you fly like a bird. There is also mudflat where you can experience lots of activities like digging of fish. You will have memories which you could not get easily.

▲ The zip line will make you fly like a bird.

Last but not least is the Shinan Islands. It consists of four islands. There are two places that you can visit. The first place is Mural Village. It is famous for murals which are pictures of grandparents. The second place is Kim Hwan-gi's historical houses. Kim Hwan-gi is a pioneer of the abstract arts of South Korea. Also, some information about him is in there.

▲ The mural of grandparents is so beautiful.

Many families want to go on a trip, but it is not easy now. However, going on a trip to islands can reduce worries about the breakout of COVID-19. You can get unforgettable memories with your families there.

May 9th, 2020

By Yu Dong-hoon


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