Beomseo Middle School‘s Political Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-12 13:45:20

South Korea's middle schools have a free semester in the first grade. In their free semester period, students can do various projects and activities. In Beomseo Middle School, students have at repulsion of politics, and they are concerned about political problems. So, students decided to do a political project to learn more about politics.

▲ Picture of Beomseo Middle School

During this semester, students in Beomseo Middle School make their own party and do political activities just like real politicians. They gather four to seven students to make a party, make a promise, and show to other students how to fulfill their promise. Also, they advertise their party like real politicians. After the project, students choose the best party, and the chosen party fulfills their promise.

Students who want to be delegates find problems in Beomseo Middle School, prepare a solution, and show their solution to other students. Then, students choose the party delegate that they want. After a delegate gathers the members of a party, they select their role and complement their promise together. Then, parties evaluate other parties' promises and ask about these promises. After then, the debate about their promises. If a party member does not like their party's promise, they can change their party. After the debate, students take a ballot and vote. The winning party then fulfills their promise with their party members. After the project, Beomseo Middle School's first-grade student, Jong Seok An, said that the political project was very helpful. He did not have any interest in politics, but after finishing this project, he wants to know more about politics. He wants to be added that he could learn about politics directly, and he really liked this project because they were able to solve their school's problems by themselves.

▲ Students doing political debate in the picture

During the school's free semester, Beomseo Middle School's students were able to learn more about politics, and most of the students were satisfied with this project. Also, they begin to pay attention to Korea's political problems.


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