The Case‘s Prime Suspect Revealed Unsolved for 15 Years대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-15 15:06:52

A serial assault and murder case in Sinjeong-dong, called Sinjeong-dong Bizarre Rabbit murder case, in June 2005 is back into the spotlight again. The incident happened three times, starting with a woman in her 20's wrapped in a rice bag in a nearby house, and a woman in her 40's wrapped in plastic wrap with a string. Lastly, the victim of the third incident managed to escape and saved her life. After that, the victim of the third incident testified saying there was a Mashimaro sticker behind the shoe rack. This incident called the "Sinjeong-dong Bizarre Rabbit murder case."

▲ Sinjeong-dong Bizarre Rabbit murder case is back into the spotlight again.

This case has remained unsolved for 15 years and has recently been drawing attention again by the broadcast. In the broadcast, a new informant appeared who had visited the house. He had worked at the Cable TV company, and he had visited that house for cutting wire. When he entered the house, there were many kinds of strings in the living room, and when he had asked about it, the landlord equivocated. After he had finished his work, another landlord came and asked if he could give him the leftover string, and he said no. However, he eventually cut the string to the man's continued demands.

▲ A new informant appeared who had visited the suspect`s house.

Much of the informant's statements corresponded with the victim's statements, and the production crew hypnotized through experts and made a composite sketch. Months later, they got a tip-off by police. He said that he is similar to one of the two-member rapists working in Busan. When they visited the house, they saw a lot of strings on the floor, and when the production crew asked him about the suspect's signature "make up", he said he 'hates' makeup.

▲ The production crew hypnotized through experts and made a composite sketch.

After the broadcast, people's attention exploded to the site, a sex offender notification that can see the face of a sex offender, was paralyzed when it was revealed that the prime suspect found was a sex offender. Police said they are re-investigating the case based on various reports and DNA. There is no perfect crime in the world. A person who commits a crime is certain to be caught one day.

May 3rd, 2020

by Pyo Seung Hui


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