To make a Character In School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-27 14:27:12

▲ children who are making a character

Have you tried designing something? If you like making any character, you can be an artist. You can think about how to design a character. So, your ingenuity and imagination will improve. In these trivial moments, you can think about the intention of being an artist. How an artist mainly making a piece, and what to do to be an artist. So, you can think about that job. Also, there will be times that you are thinking about how to improve.

In school, students are required to make a character during their art class. Also, the art teacher will select the best character. The selected character is used for the school presentation or the paper is shown to other students. It is one of the meaningful things. So, many students think carefully, and they want to develop the quality of their character.

The first time to make a character, many students do not have any idea. However, they think deeply and deeply, and their level of ingenuity goes up. In the art class, the art teacher said that, if your character is selected, you will be proud of yourself. So, you should try your best, and you will be given a present from your school teacher. Many students are motivated by what the teacher says. Many students give an effort to make great things. Moreover, the winner will be announced in the class. In the art class, the winner said that he does not know his character will be selected. So, he was so proud of his character. It was an interesting and impressive time.

▲ art class

Making a character becomes a fast time that improves ingenuity and imagination. Also, many students were artists at that time. To make their own character or things can be a great time. Improving the ingenuity and imagination is also important for many people. It must be a great time when you make your own thing.

By Keong Chul Ahn


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