Three Best Festival in June대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 22:37:46

These days, weather is getting warmer and warmer as summer is comming soon. So people are planning to have fun and exciting weekend or holiday to enjoy this beginning of summer. Here's three Korea festival in the early summer.

 First, Tomato Festival in Toechon public stadium. It starts from March 16th to 18th. You can enjoy Tomato swimming pool, tomato recreation like playing game, harvesting food and sharing tomato food etc. Toechon started to cultive tomato since 1970s and they are famous for tomato becauseof its high sugar and high quality. People who visited Toechon tomato festival can enjoy and buy in cheap prize.

Second, Centum beer festival in Busan centum square. It begins on March 1st to 11st. We can enjoy Hite draft beer with snack you can able to pay just 10,000won for admission. But if you book ticket before, you can enjoy festival by 8,000won. Childern are also allowed with adult protector. Also, visitors can participate some event in Festival.

 Finally, Yangpyeong catfish mastache festival in Summi village. This begin in March 2nd to Agust 31st with free ticket, you can participate festival, can taste fish soup free and you can donation to this or make food personally if you success the fishing. Besides this, you can also enjoy hand catfish fishing, play with red clay, various kinds of recreation with water and campfire. Also, special program si planned in raining day.

 These Festival can give you free from boring everyday life along with good memory with your loved people. Why don't you enjoy these great weather through various kinds of fun fun festival?


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