Public Administrator대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-27 14:57:42

Recently, jobs have been changing because of the influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Many high technology jobs are created. Among them, Korean people prefer to be public administrators the most according to The Korea Times. The work of a public administrator performs related administration affairs and supports government administration.

▲ Preference of Public Administrator in Korea

A public administrator works in a service spirit for many people. So, a public administrator works hard to improve people's welfare and quality of life. He is in charge of the management and execution of administration, society, cultural civil service and even public relations. Also, he receives and issues a document related to resident, birth, and death.

People think that being a public administrator seems easy, but that is wrong. in an interview with Jung In Hwan, he said that a public administrator is multiplayer because he has many chances to work in various departments and has a lot of experience. He advised that a public administrator should always have the heart to serve the people. Also, he said that a public administrator has to be faithful both at home and office. he said, that a public administrator needs to have professional ethics and honesty because they work for the citizens.

▲ 2020 Korean public administrator examination plan

The majors of the public administrators are Department of law and Department of Public Administration. The income of a public administrator is 34 million won to 50 million won. Many experts said that the employment of public administrators over the next five years will maintain because the role of the government to provide welfare and quality of life became more important. If we want to be a public administrator, we should study English, Korean language and history to pass the examination of the public administrator.

By Park Sa Hyun


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