The Sports Day of Ulsan Haksung Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-27 15:13:33

You might have seen the sports day in other schools. It may be very exciting to watch the activities, and you may have seen happy students' faces while cheering. However, the real aim of the sports day in every school is to improve teamwork and making students get close to one other. Ulsan Hakung Middle School's sports day is held on November twelfth. In the sports day, teachers and students became together, and they cheered for their players and played games hard.

In the recent sports day, a lot of students participated, Jae Hyun Kim, one of the players in the sports day, was interviewed. He said that the sports day was very enjoyable and good for the development of teamwork. He added that he became very close with his friends, and it was very special to do an arm wrestling on the sports day. However, although he became very close to his friends, they sometimes fought because they said things without considering their friends' emotions. Jae Hyun Kim joined the sports day because he likes to exercise, and he wants to be familiar with his friends.

▲ The students are cheering for their team.

The activities during the sports day in Haksung Middle School were very special. First, students who are school executives played soccer with their teachers. Also, other students did arm wrestling. In that activity, students could see whose power is the strongest. Next, other students played tug of war with some unique rules. Students have to run to the rope and pull it with all their strength. They needed speed and strength. The last activity was a group jump rope. Through this activity, students can able to improve their teamwork ability, and they were able to communicate with each other about their weaknesses and praise what they did well. In this activity, the grand winner got a hundred thousand won, the second placer got seventy thousand won, and the third placer got fifty thousand won.

▲ The students are running on the course.

by Seung Min Kwon


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