The Sexual Harassment to Junior Yoo in the Presidential Campaign대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-13 22:51:20

     The presidential election in South Korea is planned to happen in May 9th. With initially 15 candidates, the atmosphere of the society is hot, and each candidate is trying his best in order to get more votes. Due to the impeachment of the former President, Park Gyeun-hye, the concern of citizens to pick a great president is getting deeper. In this situation, not only the candidates, but also their family, especially the offsprings of the candidates, are doing their best to win the election. 

     Yoo Dam, the daughter of Bareun Party's presidential candidate Yoo, has been sexually harassed by a man while helping his father's street compaign in May 4th, in front of Hongik University. A mentally retarded man, grabbed her shoulder and stick out his tongue while taking a photograph with her. According to the police, he did his just for fun, and he argued that he is not the one who uploaded the photograph online, which means there are other people who participated in this incident.
     Some citizens are harshly discussing about this incident by asserting that the fast arrestment of the criminal was done because the victime is related to one of the influential people of society. They think that this will not happen if a normal woman experienced the same thing. Some also claimed that Yoo does not have a good qualification to be called the country's protector since he could not even protect his daughter.
     Because of these arguments, whether it is correct or not, the community is in hot water. This incident can either be a danger to Yoo, or it can be an opportunity if he solves this problem well. It is up to his hand whether he wants to be both a good father and a good president or a helpless father and an inefficient president.


                 May 28th, by 박경재


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