South Korean High Schools Open for Senior-Grade Students!대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-27 15:20:04

▲ Coronavirus

The Ministry of Education has decided that third graders in high school will have offline classes in school, starting on May 20th. Ever since that official statement from the Ministry of Education about the re-opening of schools for students came out, people across South Korea have stated many criticisms and opposed to that government policy. Why are they doing this? What is their main point?

▲ Claim of opposing the re-opening of offline classes

Many people in South Korea are currently opposing the re-opening of public schools because of the potential danger of re-spreading of the coronavirus. As COVID-19 is still widely spread across the world, many countries are restricting people from going to crowded places.

▲ Singaporean Government

The main point is that the re-spreading of the virus has already happened in Singapore. Singapore was doing very well in dealing with the spread of the virus, with its number of patients only under 100. However, as soon as they opened public schools, the number of patients soared above the hundred lines. The Singaporean government closed all of their public schools, and now, they are continuing self-quarantine.

COVID - 19 has been a worldwide pandemic for already nearly half a year. Without thorough governmental policies, eradication of the virus will not succeed even if citizens practice hygienic methods to stop the virus from spreading.


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