About Laws in Modern Society대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-27 15:22:07

Have you ever visualized what will occur in the world if the laws do not exist? Laws guarantee all people's rights and freedom and solve conflicts between people. However, if the laws do not exist, the whole world is going to be filled with immoral people. In other words, the whole world will be turned into an underhanded society. Like this, laws are inescapable existence for people to live in the world. Then, from now on, let us find out about laws.

There are typical kinds of laws; public law, jurisdiction, and social law. Public law is the law which regulates national, public, ethnical, and heteronomous relationship. Then, jurisdiction is the national effect on a civil and a criminal case. Finally, social law is the law for a social public benefit. Modern societies have become more and more complicated and diverse. Also, laws have become more detailed and specialized as well. So, the person who handles laws needs to have special knowledge. There are many kinds of jobs that handle laws: representatively a judge, a prosecutor, and a lawyer. Judges take charge of the process of trial, and prosecutors investigate crimes and supervise all sorts of lawsuits. Moreover, lawyers argue for defendants and complaints.

I believe there are many students who want to have a job about laws. Having a job about laws is not easy, so many of them want to give up. However, especially in that situation, try to have a positive mind and not to give up. If you try hard, your dream will come true. There is nothing you cannot achieve if you try hard. I hope everyone's dreams will come true!

▲ Korean Supreme Court Entrance (Naver)
▲ The Statue of Justice (Naver)

Reported by Yoonseo Baek


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