Suspicions over the corruption of the Korean Council대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-05-27 15:26:45
Suspicions have arisen about the corruption of The Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, abbreviated as the Korean Council. Yoon Mi-Hyang, a proportional representation of the ruling Democratic Party of Korea and a chief director of the Korean Council since 2008, The majority of suspicions are also about Yoon Mi-Hyang, a proportional representation-elect of the ruling Democratic Party of Korea and a director of the Korean Council from 2008. The scandal began on May 7th, at a press conference held by Lee Yong-soo, one of the victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery.

▲ The Korean Council is one of the most influential civic group, regarding Japanese Military Sexual Slavery.

Suspicions over the Korean Council are roughly divided into two. First is about its shelter for the victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery in Anseong. In 2013, the Korean Council purchased 750 million won for the building. It is still unknown why Yoon selected Anseong, not Seoul as a site of the shelter. Also, she disposed the building for 420 million won 7 years later, but neighborhood real estate agents argue that there had been no factors for its depreciation. The shelter also got a warning from the Community Chest of Korea for its lack of performance.

The second is about the accountancy of the Korean Council. There have been numerous problems in its accountancy record. The Korean Council argue that those are just mistakes, but it is still not proven yet. Also, the usage of some of the donations is unclear, and Yoon is suspected to use the money for her privacy.

▲ Lee Yong-Soo`s press conference launched the scandal

Lee Yong-Soo, who revealed this scandal had two press conferences, on May 7th and May 25th. She argued that she and other victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery have been exploited by Yoon and the Korean Council. As affairs regarding Japanese Sexual Slavery is very sensitive, this scandal bred resentment of people of South Korea. After the press conference of Lee, the prosecution launched an investigation. As Yoon is also a proportional representation-elect of the ruling Democratic Party, the influence of this scandal to the political world would be significant as well.

▲ Yoon Mi-Hyang is in the center of all the suspicions

May 25th, 2019

by Seung Won Shin


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