Medical Experts in COVID-19대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-02 17:11:23

▲ The image of COVID-19 from MSD manual

Medical experts such as doctors and nurses have a sense of duty through Hippocratic Oath and Nightingale Oath and begin to take care of patients. The contents of them contain physicians' ethical behavior.

As COVID-19 spreads all over the world, medical experts' role is getting more and more important. So, people have become more interested in them because of the infectious disease. In South Korea, the most diffused area in Daegu, and people who live in Daegu are badly in need of the physicians' help. Consequently, a lot of doctors and nurses went to Daegu and attended patients in the face of danger. They took preventive measures against COVID-19 immediately. Along the way, because they worked night and day for the patients, they went through a hard time. However, despite they were very exhausted, they never gave up. Moreover, they tried a new treatment and researched COVID-19 to develop the vaccine. All citizens could feel relieved, so thank you to their effort. They thank to the physicians very much.

▲ A physician who wears clothes for prevention of COVID-19 from Gyeongbook ilbo

To become a medical expert, you should graduate College of Medicine and obtain a medical certificate. However, there is one thing which is much more important than obtaining a medical certificate; that is a sense of duty.

▲ Physicians who are fighting against COVID-19 from Medscape

After COVID-19, I have changed my perception of physicians such as doctors and nurses. I realized that they are the people who have been helping us to stay healthy. IF they did not exist, we could not survive until now. Through this opportunity, we have to think about the role of medical experts again.


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