Positive Impacts of Empathy Enterprises대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-02 16:38:35

In a confused social atmosphere, various enterprises and people continue to do good deeds in South Korea to prevent damage caused by COVID-19. As a related case, KCC donated one billion won to the Community Chest of Korea and CJ ChiliJedang donated 15,000 home-made snacks, including instant rice cups and meals for vulnerable people and medical staff in Daegu and Kyeongbuk Province.

In addition, even before the COVID-19 crisis, some enterprises had a good deed for disadvantaged. They also participated in donated programs and manged it for global goals, which is to protect the environment.

▲ Ottogi which is a food company in South Korea

For example, Ottogi is known as a good enterprise which is a Korean food enterprise. In an atmosphere where it is difficult to get a job socially, Ottogi owns a high percentage of regular employment. Also, it is showing good deeds such as providing 10,000 instant kinds of rice for children by heart disease and providing support for surgery expenses for the COVID-19 incident.

▲ Daily Milk that makes special milk powder

Daily Milk is one of the good enterprises, too. They are going to make the so-called Donny-free special formula for children with congenital metabolic disorders. Kim Hee-Jung, head of the team, said that it is important to increase profits because we are a company, but it is also important to fulfill our duties and responsibilities accordingly.

▲ Korea Yakult that mainly produces special lactobacillus drinks

Korea Yakult works for social stability and advance. This enterprise donated 300 million won to reduce, the damage caused by COVID-19 and it has promoted, and it has promoted social contribution programs that citizens can join, like making up health stairs. Services such as making various voluntary services such as kimchi sharing, child-hunting, and many more protection activities, and many more.

Entrepreneurs should work a more desirable entrepreneurial spirit and consumers should spend wisely.

June 28th, 2020
by 제서연


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