Vision for a Better Future, Hydrogen Cars대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-07 16:08:57

Developing new technologies is a key role of many companies. Not only developing something new but also making up problems is important. Today, many companies try to keep up with the rapidly changing trend. However, there is also a company that develops technology to match the defects resulting from this, and it is Hyundai. There are some representative examples of the company's efforts in South Korea.

▲ A guidebook presented by Hyundai Motor

Hyundai has released a guidebook on eco-friendly hydrogen cars. Hyundai, which is South Korea's leading automotive technology development and production company, developed hydrogen cars to help stop the environment from getting worse due to the excessive use of energy resources. The advantage of hydrogen cars is that they can remove fine dust from the atmosphere just by running.

According to Hyundai's employee's speech, he said that as a leading company in the hydrogen industry, they produced videos to solve all questions about hydrogen for global customers and growth generations, and they would continue to make efforts.

▲ Hyundai Motor`s Nexo, an eco-friendly hydrogen-powered car

Videos of Hyundai represented the introduction to hydrogen's development history, value, eco-friendly feature, and economic worth. They focused on exploring plans to revitalize the hydrogen economy of each country. to supply hydrogen-electric vehicles and hydrogen charging stations in each country, and to test the use of hydrogen cars in various cases.

In addition, Hyundai Group is investing in the future even in the face of a crisis of COVID-19 infection. It is working hard to secure technical skills for future cars and increase customer contact points by working with battery businesses.

▲ A hydrogen charging station in Cheongju

The more hydrogen cars are made, the more hydrogen stations increased. For example, Chungju City, North Chungcheong Province in South Korea has built the first hydrogen charging station in its jurisdiction on the site of the 605 Yeonsu LPG charging station on Geumbong.

Hydrogen is expected to contribute greatly to future energy development and technology. Thus, Hyundai's hydrogen cars will surely be more useful in the future.

July 5, 2020

by 제서연


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