President Moon: An Influential Figure in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-16 16:51:40

▲ President Moon Jae-in

President Moon Jae-in is the 19th president of South Korea, and he is one of the greatest presidents around the world. He has been endeavoring for the development of South Korea since he was selected as the president. He made various policies such as women's rights, local quota systems, and expansion of military welfare.

President Moon Jae-in has tried hard to improve the country's relation with North Korea. To make South and North Korea's relation better, Moon had a talk with the president of North Korea, Kim Jung-eun. After the talk of the two presidents, North Korea's foreign policy remains quite open now. Moreover, President Moon Jae-in made many influential policies such as the raising of the minimum wage.

In addition, President Moon Jae-in also selected as part of "world's 100 most influential people" by Fortune Magazine and "2018 the world's 50 great leaders" by TIME Magazine. The Fortune Magazine said that Moon took office last May under inauspicious circumstances as his predecessor was impeached for corruption. However, President Moon speedily enacted reforms aimed at creating a fairer economy, such as boosting the minimum wage, expanding health coverage, and addressing the influence of the country's chaebol conglomerates.

Since the first of July 2018, President Moon Jae-in's support rate has exceeded 70 percent now. The reason why his support rate increased is because of the COVID-19. He has been trying hard for the citizens not to get infected by COVID-19. Because of his effort to prevent the virus from rapid spreading, more people have started to support him.

President Moon, the 19th president of South Korea, is influential socially and politically. He has made helpful policies for all the citizens, and he is still trying hard for the nation. Moon Jae-in will try hard for South Korea in the future, too. He will remain as the greatest president of South Korea for a long time.

by Young Chae Lee


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