The Most Influential Person in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-16 17:23:02

Ji-sung Park is one of the most influential people in South Korea. He played for Manchester United F.C, and he was the first Asian who won the UEFA Champions League. Also, he is the best among the eleven players as a midfielder in the UEFA Champions League. Now, he still gives many efforts in the field of soccer as an SBS soccer commentator.

▲ Ji-sung Park is the hero of South Korea

When Ji-Sung Park was young, he had gone through many hardships to be a soccer player. He had a very week body, so he took oriental medicine. When he was in elementary school, he vomited because of the medicine. Also, he had a hardship in admitting to a university. He played at J1 League, and he met Hiddink who helped him to be a popular soccer player. Finally, he was selected by Hiddink. Because of that, many soccer players got inspired of him and his achievements. In the 2002 World Cup, he recorded a high performance, and South Korea was in fourth place. Also, he is the first Asian who won the UEFA Champions League. He is the first Asian who won the Premier League four times, too. He is the best among the eleven midfielders in UEFA Champions League. Now, he works at SBS as a soccer commentator. Lastly, he donated 100 million won because of beat the COVID-19.

▲ Ji-sung Park is one of the best players in Manchester United F.C

Many people praised Ji-Sung Park because of his achievements. His fellow, the player, Wayne Rooney, said that Ji-sung Park was the most fantastic player, and he is a good friend. I believe Ji-sung Park is really good as he scored goals many times even when it was crucial. Wayne Rooney is proud of him. He added that  Park was a devoted person for their team. So, his other fellows praised him many times.

Ji-sung Park is the most influential person in South Korea. He had many careers, and his efforts are very fantastic. Park still remains as the true legend, "Captain Park".

by Um Ki Yoon


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