Online Classes in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-16 17:24:51

Because of COVID-19, many people have to stay at home, and students cannot go to school. So, the office of education made a decision. It is an online class so that students can still class at home. It is not common because we have not done it before. In South Korea, students have to attend an online class at home because of COVID-19. Many students take online classes by using e-learning programs.

▲ A student who takes an online class

My friend, who is also one of my classmates, said, that he likes online classes because he does not go to school, and the time shorter compared to the time when he goes to school. Also, he can sleep more compared to the days when he still goes to school. However, he has to do many homework because the class is shortened. Then, he cannot hear the details of the lesson clearly. So, he thinks that it is better to go to school because he can hear the important things about a certain subject.

On the other hand, to make online class videos, teachers have to do many things because it is their first time to make online class videos. Also, they can encounter many errors. So, some students have to watch the videos again. Moreover, students have to do much homework because teachers do not have enough time during class hours. Also, students have to print many hand-outs. If they cannot print, they should write them on their notes. Moreover, teachers cannot see what students are doing while they watch videos. In fact, some students even play games while having online classes. These are just among the many disadvantages. However, it is still not good for the students to go to school. By having online classes, the infection may decrease, and students will be safe at home.

▲ A teacher is preparing an online class

Despite the disadvantages, many students still want to study through online classes because they can rest more and do not need to go to school. However, lately the office of education already allowed schools to operate, so the students need to go to school again. Many students do not like it, but they have to follow this decision.

by Wang Jiho


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