Unusual Jobs in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-16 17:27:52

Nowadays, there are many jobs that are related to science development like artificial intelligence. According to the Korea Employment Information Service (KEIS), different kinds of jobs have been increasing to 8,236 for eight years. Among these jobs, there are some unusual jobs that many people do not know.

To begin with, a halal food specialist is a job that many people do not know nowadays. Halal means permissible or lawful food that follows the religious precepts of Islam. It consists of fruits, vegetables and meat that can be eaten by Muslim people. The meat they eat includes beef, lamb, and chicken that are slaughtered in Islamic style. Halal food specialists do many things to produce halal foods. First, they study halal foods. Second, they help the foods to be certified as halal products by different companies. Also, they help halal foods to be popularized to many people. These days, the halal market is on the rise of the necessary issue to increase the export expansion of South Korea to Islam countries, so halal food specialist is one of the unusual jobs in South Korea.

▲ m.blog.naver.com

An insect consultant is another job that people do not know. It is because insects became important food in South Korea. Insect consultants raise insects that can be used as ingredients in foods and medicines. Also, the study and manage the environment to raise the insects. Then, they educate the different matters that require attention when they raise insects. Moreover, they observe different species of insects. Lastly, they make feeds using fish and reptiles, too. Nowadays, South Korea is continuing the industry of entomology, so the necessity of this job is increasing.

▲ lamb.international

There are many unusual jobs that people do not know. A researcher of KEIS, Kim Joong Jin said that the interest of unusual jobs is important, and we need to know the new jobs in science development for they play big roles in our society.

By Kim Namin


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