Potential Killing대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-16 17:32:20

Nowadays, some people's bad habit of throwing online is of serious problems in our society. Moreover, the victims of malicious comments are commonly entertainers, You Tubers, singers, and other famous people. Actually, a 25 years old famous Korean singer and actress, Sulli, was found dead at her home as she committed suicide because of malicious comments. That is why should realize and know the seriousness of giving malicious comments.

First of all, we should know about the standard of malicious comments. A malicious comment includes the publicity of a particular victim with the intention of slander. If you believe that a comment is a malicious one, it should be reported immediately.

▲ writing malicious comment

Second, most of the cyberbullies have similar features. Most of them have low self-esteem and are usually impulsive and aggressive. In addition, these behaviors are similar to the features of a psychopath. Also, cyberbullies suffer from inferiority, anonymity, and negative psychological compensation. Most cyberbullies bother other people because of their inferiority. Moreover, anonymity can really bother the victims. Some of the cyberbullies feel satisfied while threatening people, and this satisfaction is called negative psychological compensation.

We have to deal with cyberbullies. The punishment for being a cyberbully is two thousand dollars or will under prison labor for three years. Moreover, the punishment of slander is thirty thousand dollars or under prison labor for seven years. All these punishments are mandated in Korean law. On the other hand, the best way to deal with cyberbullies is to ignore them because taking malicious comments seriously can really destroy us psychologically.

▲ punishment of malicious comment

The malicious comments have greatly affected our society. In fact, there are already many victims which include Sulli. Although the number of malicious comments is decreasing, we still have to be aware of and protect our selves from being one of the victims. How about looking back to your online habits and check whether your comments have misunderstanding points or not. Your little act can change our society for the better.

by Yun Seo Lee


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