Box-office, Hits in the Second Week of July대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-16 17:35:31

Since February, people all around the world have been battling against COVID-19. So, all people in South Korea are practicing social distancing. It is practiced everywhere when people come together. Also, movie theaters are included. So, people should keep a distance between each other. Most of the theaters are putting one space between seats to allow people to practice social distancing. Moreover, there are a few movies being shown because of the pandemic.

However, although there is a pandemic, some people in South Korea still have time to watch a movie. Moreover, some movies even became box-office hits amid the pandemic. First of all, "#Alive" has the most cumulative attendance in the box office. Although there are many bitter reviews, many people watched the movie because the movie's content is interesting. The movie "#Alive" is about zombies. A zombie virus was spread over the city, but the main character, Jun-woo, survived from this harsh circumstance. It recorded 1,291,100 people who watched the movie.

▲ Movie ˝#Alive˝

Then, the movie titled "Innocence" is in second place in the box office. There are quite good reviews from the netizens. The movie is about an accident in a small town. The main character, Jung-in, is a great lawyer in Seoul. However, in his father's funeral, some people died because of the raw rice wine which had agricultural pesticides. So, Jung-in's mother was arrested by the police. The story revolves around the main character, defending her mother after she was wrongly accused of murder at her husband's funeral. It records 760,333 people in the theater.

▲ Movie ˝Innocence˝

These days, many people are going through a hard time because of the pandemic. Of course, the movie is enjoyable to watch. However, we should keep the guidelines during this harsh time. The most important thing is wearing masks. We can often see that there are a few people who are not wearing a mask. To prevent spreading the COVID-19 virus, we should help each other by wearing a mask.

▲ Please wear your mask when you watch movie.

July 3rd, 2020

By Chun Jun Hyeock


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