WannaCry Ransomware Attack대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 00:33:52

What WannaCry ransomeware means? It is a malicious program requiring money to extract the key for decryption once it is not allowed to encrypt the documents stored on the computer. Some people's computers were attacked by cyber attackers who requested bitcoins if they wanted the restoration of data like photos and files in their computer. However, even though people sent bitcoins as they requested to them, they didn't restore the people's data.
     Korean companies were hardly damaged by WannaCry ransomware. According to KISA, 16 companies of computers were doubtful of it, and 14 companies were registered.Through the 118 consultation office, the inquires of WannaCry ransomware are decreased less than before. The 118 consultation office received 517 inquires on May 14, 2863 inquires on May 15, 1256 inquires on May 16, and 56 inquires on May 17.  According to the report, 1.5 millions of IT, bank, and hospital all over the world were damaged. This WannaCry ransomware infects the computers on the internet.
       If your computer is not damaged by Ransomeware, what is the manners of how to protect your piles and photoes in your computer from the cyber attackers? Before you turn on the computer or laptop, you must disconnect the line of network connection. After you do it, turn on your computer and change your computer's security accessing the operation control panel. After that, you connect the line of network connection and update the vaccine program for your computer.
     Now, people hardly suffer from WannaCry ransomware. However, similar incident occurredd last year, and if your computer is infected by WannaCry ransomware, the possibility of restoration of the data hardly exsits here. Therefore, be careful with your computer or laptop from it or other cyberattacks.

May 31st, by 김하영


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