The Whale Festival in The Town of Ulsan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-28 16:58:52

These days, there are many unique and marvelous festivals near us. Have you heard about the Ulsan Whale Festival? The Ulsan Whale Festival is held annually in Ulsan. There are many parking places during the festival, but they are always full. Even the roads near the location of the festival experience heavy traffic. All, people, from children to elderly, enjoy this festival=because many interesting sights are there. There are fireworks displays, many performances, and whale culture events. Thus, the Ulsan Whale Festival is one of the interesting festivals in Ulsan.

▲ The state of Whale

There is a history of the Ulsan Whale Festival. Ulsan is an important city in the whaling industry. So, the Ulsan Whale Festival is made to commemorate its whale industry. The Ulsan Whale Festival was first held in 1995, in Nam District, Ulsan. Then, it became one of the great festivals in Ulsan. Many people visit this festival, and the number of people increases every year. There are many foreigners in 2017 was 29. It and percent of foreigners increase more and more. The Ulsan Whale Festival is in its 25th year of celebration and it continues to show the Korean culture and traditional symbols.

▲ landscape of Ulsan Whale Festival

When you visit the Ulsan Whale Festival, you can see many sights to enjoy, and the theme of the festival changes every year. So, you can enjoy the festival more, and there is no time for you to feel bored. The festival is very meaningful, and you will surely have a great time.

The Ulsan Whale Festival is loved by many people, and people who love this enjoy this festival more regardless of their age. The Ulsan Whale Festival is one of the great Festivals that people can enjoy in Ulsan, South Korea.

By Ahn Keong Chul


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