A Community Event in Ulsan: Ganjeolgot Sunrise Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-28 17:02:49

Most people go to a sunrise spot to see the sunrise to welcome the New Year. It is in Ganjeolgot where most people gathered to enjoy it. In Ganjeolgot, there is an event that is held every year. It is Ganjeolgot Sunrise Festival, and it is held in Ulju-gun, Ulsan, South Korea. People usually spend their New Year in Ganjeolgot because it is a place that has the earliest sunrise in the Korea Peninsula.

▲ naver

There are reasons why many people gather in Ganjeolgot. One of them is that it has an amazing beauty mingled with dense pine forest, strange rocks, bizarre stones, and the macro environment. It also has very beautiful scenery that people want to come to this place.

▲ naver

Ganjeolgot Sunrise Festival was first held in 2000. It was propelled by the crowd gathered in Ganjeolgot Cape to see the earliest sunrise in the Korea Peninsula. One person who participated in this event said that the sunrise was so amazing enough, but there were some flaws in the parking and traffic jams. Also, it was too difficult for disabled people to enjoy the events. Therefore, it may be a great festival to enjoy New Year, but it cannot be enjoyed by everyone.

Ganjeolgot Sunrise Festival also has man sub-events. According to the Ulsan Commission of the New Year festival, there are preliminary events that combine gukak, Korean traditional music, and trot dance. Moreover, it has sunrise events such as sunshade and choir performance. Additionally, there are troops events such as poetry reading and the unveiling ceremony of the mouse's molding.

The main purpose of the Ganjeolgot Sunrise Festival is to give happiness to people. Many people are inspired by the scenery of the sunrise and make wishes. So, it became the most famous sunrise event in South Korea. If you want to know more about it, follow it at http://ganjeolgot.ulsan.go.kr.

By Chaemin Han


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