A Book for Teenagers to Read대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-08-03 15:40:16

All students experience puberty. Like fighting with others, students have time that they cannot control their feelings. The book, "How Come She's Doing a Middle School Student", is a story about middle school students who have a bad experience in their teenage life.

▲ ˝How Come She`s Doing a Middle School Student˝

The heroine in this book is a quiet student she wants to be a superstar in school, and she envies the popular students. So, she starts to put on some makeup, dye her hair, and wear short skirts. She makes friends by doing bad actions. By hanging out with the popular students, the heroine is influenced by them.

The writer's message to the readers is not to do any bad things. If you do, you can get into trouble with your family and friends. By Regretting your bad actions, you will try not to do any fault. However, if you do not regret your fault, you will not stop doing bad actions like fighting or stealing. According to the book, the heroine tells the truth, but her friends put the blame on her. So, the heroine is forgiven by the owner, but her friends get a penalty. By reading this book, people will regret their own bad actions and forgive others.

After the students read this book, one of the middle school students said that he looked back on his past and realized his wrong behavior. Like him, many students were reminded of their past actions and realized what they have done.

▲ a Girl Who Reading a Book

How come She's Doing a middle School Student is a good book for students to read. In many schools, they choose it for essential reading. It is a nice book to think about the bad attitudes portrayed by the characters in the story. How about reading this book and think about the things you can learn from it?


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