About the Online Game: League of Legends대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-08-10 15:36:53

If you play an online game on your computer, you must know the famous game, "League of Legends (LOL)". Maybe most people know this game. Although League of Legends was launched in the old days, it is still popular now. Its popularity is getting bigger and bigger. So, League of Legends' influence is getting bigger at the same time.

▲ They are the champions of League of Legends

First, League of Legends is a five vs five games. Ultimately, you should destroy the enemy's base called "Nexus". Thanks to the big map and various jungle mobs and effects, it has so many variables. Also, it has five positions, Top, Mid, Bottom, Supporter, and Jungler. They should cooperate to win the game. League of Legends was launched in 2011 by the American company, Riot Games. Through, many updates, there are many jungle mobs and 148 characters called champions. A player should use various items, rune, passive, and skills freely. Also, players should not only be good at controlling but also good at making a strategy. The good players fit because of these factors.

Because League of Legends is popular and old, there are many professional gamers and leagues. In South Korea, it is "LCK" (LOL Champions Korea). In China, it is LPL, North America is LCS, Europe is LEC, Japan is LJL and Turkey is TCL. There are more leagues in the world excluding these. Some teams like SKT T1, Gen. G Esports, Dragon X, RNG, and C9 have many fans. It is because they have won many games and have good players. T1 Faker, RNG Uzi, Team Liquid TF Blade are the most popular League of Legends gamers in the world. For global popularity, this game made a big impact in the e-sports market. Also, it made many jobs like a pro-gamer, coach, and managers. If we play this game, we can relieve our stress. However, it has negative effects, too. It can disturb a student's study and gives mental damages to users.

Nowadays, everyone may say that the most popular online game is League of Legends. It gives us fun and various spectacles. How about playing this game if you have enough time?

By Gwack Yuchan


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