A Heavy Rain Hits South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-08-20 15:51:59

Water is important in our lives. It looks like there are only good points about it, but it also has bad sides. Water can kill many people due to its huge quantity. Related to this, heavy rain has been hitting South Korea for about ten days. It has been causing not only damage to human life but also destroying many houses and lands.

The heavy rain is also called as big rain. It means that the clouds pour a lot of water for a short period of time. Because of this, it is hard to cope after it happens. Then, it can cause big problems which make people cannot return to their houses and lands because the rain has destroyed everything.

On August 8th, 2020, the heavy rain is moving to the southern province of South Korea. Also, 20 people have died and 12 people are missing because of the heavy rain. Moreover, thousands of people have lost their houses and lands. According to the Meteorological Administration, the heavy rain may not have destroyed many things for a week. However, the problem is it is moving to the southern province of South Korea. Then, the damage scale will be much bigger. The government has a way to solve this problem. They are planning to use a lot of taxes. However, it can cause another problem which is related to the economy. The government, however, said that they have found the solutions.

▲ The government tries to solve this problem.

A man who lived in Jaecheon said that they have not experienced cases like this. They lost everything because of the heavy rain. They cannot return to their regular life and secure their lives, too. He added that they need help.

▲ It shows how serious the damage of heavy rain it is.

In conclusion, there are many disasters such as COVID-19 and the heavy rain in the year 2020, so people have to be extra careful and hope that everything will be fine.

August 8th, 2020,

By Yoon-Hyeok Park


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