1318 Club in CGV Youth Brand Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-08-31 15:22:32

From August 7th to August 30th, there is a festival whose name is CGV Youth Brand Festival. During the festival, there is an activity called 1318 Club where 13 to 18 years old youths can get a lot of coupons from CGV. CGV offers many coupons to youths to give a great opportunity for them. This summer vacation, there are a few people who watch movies in CGV because of COVID-19. So, the film industry has been stroke since the pandemic had happened. To save the film industry, CGV offers a great solution which gives many advantages for customers whose ages are 13 to 18 years old.

Many youths are reluctant to watch a movie because of the scary pandemic, COVID-19. So, CGV made a solution to encourage people to watch movies. It is through a discount coupon that can be used in CGV. There are movie ticket discount coupons, snack bar discount coupons, even FILA discount coupons, and also discount coupon of the online lectures. In this opportunity, many teenagers are expected to participate in cultural activities to save the film industry.

Although there are many welfares to the youths, they should be aware to prevent the diffusion of COVID-19. Recently, the virus, which had been dormant, is spreading again. Even in Ulsan, where there are no infected people, the virus is spreading fast nowadays. So, when people watch movies, they should wear masks and check their body temperature which can help in determining whether they are infected or not. To make a healthy society during the economic revival, people should help each other to prevent the diffusion of the virus, COVID-19.

▲ mask

It is a harsh time for everyone who lives on Earth. So, it is advisable to help each other in terms of economic and health problems. Let us all be caring citizens.

August 16th, 2020

By Chun Jun Hyeock


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